Thursday, May 26, 2005

Thank You Woman's Day

Honestly, I have been having a very difficult week. Besides the "things" that are happening, my hormones are completely out of control. So, you can imagine life with Lia is no bowl of cherries. My husband is really trying to help and be sensitive. The kids are great. What's a girl to do? I cannot cry all day and sleep is just not on the schedule.

To help ease the tension I gave myself a little slack today and enjoyed a good read. I love to read. I opened up my new copy of Woman's Day. I find magazines to be a great escape, they are easy to read with short articles that are to the point and informative. They are nice to look at, and I usually learn something. Today was no exception. Just when I needed it most (Thank you God) I came across an article on guilt called: Ditch the Guilt. It was a good article and it had a little box called: Try This Reality Check. It asks two questions:

  1. Does my guilt about a specific situation help me accomplish anything?
  2. Can my guilt change the way I will handle a situation in the future?

If you answered "no" to either question, ditch the guilt. If "yes," use your guilt as a springboard for positive change.

That really resonated with me today. I don't know if it was my up bringing or just a mom gene, but guilt is something I do well. But now I have something to use as a barometer to see if this is a feeling that will help. If it doesn't, move on. Today I will chose to own it and use it to learn, grow and conquer something that is holding me back.