What is a StreetsmartMom? How can you be one? What makes us tick? Who are we? Find out here. A place to come for some R&R and to rejuvenate your self and to figure out how to get to the next level. Reach new heights.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Some Random Thoughts To End the Year
If you think you're beaten you are,
If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you like to win, but think you can't,
It is almost certain you won't.
If you think you'll lose, you're lost.
For out of the world we find,
Success begins with a fellow's will
It's all in the state of mind.
If you think you're outclassed, you are,
You've got to think high to rise.
You've got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win that prize.
Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But sooner or late the man who wins
Is the man WHO THINKS HE CAN !
(Rudyard Kipling)
Monday, December 03, 2007
I figured it out -- I need a wife
Even after all three performances, one Saturday and two Sunday, I found myself wishing I had a wife planning dinner or at least making lunch for the boys and I. Oh well, I will just have to clone myself.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Juggling is not just for the Circus

Thursday, November 01, 2007
Did you say November?

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
To Trick or To Treat or To Not . . .
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
If it's to be, It's up to You!

There are days when I just want to hit the button on my recorder to play the words I say over and over again to my boys. I have read lots of books on parenting, even Bring Up Boys, by James Dobson. They all say this is normal. They did not say it would be easy.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Why can't they just get along??????
I guess it is back to the books. I must be doing something wrong. This sibling thing is a bit of quandary to me. Being the way I am, I know there has to be an answer out there and I am determined to find it. If someone out there has already conquered this one, please let me know. And if by some off chance I figure it out, I will pass on the information.
Whew, it was a great day!!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Wish me luck!!!
Remember when you go to these lovely events make sure you are prepared as well. Ask questions, make observations and be proactive. Find out what you can do to help at home to work with the teacher as a team. So far that has been working for us.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
The dilemma, my boys! I am going to be late. Argh! So I called the school and asked for them to be taken over to the after school program. The awesome receptionist assured me my boys would be well taken care of and she would not let them know what happened. After all the paperwork was exchanged, the nice police officer informed the young man that he unfortunately would be found at fault for the accident. It was clear this was not good news for my new friend. It was good news for my insurance agent. It really was just an accident. One of the crazy moments you wish you could do over, but just differently.
I guess what really struck me out of this whole event was the reaction of my sister. She is so great. She was immediately concerned, just like a good sister. After I told her she called back a bit later and said, "Do you want me to take a bus to you so I can help with the boys?" I assured her I would be fine. A bit sore, but still functional. It was in that moment that I realized that this accident might have had a stronger impact on her. I tend to bounce back quickly. On the other hand, my sister has trouble bouncing back. Just an interesting observation.
So what I am learning is I am stronger than I thought. I have roles and responsibilities and not a lot of time to stay down. I get up, dust myself off and get on with it. I like that.
Friday, October 05, 2007
Out of the mouth of Babes

Thursday, October 04, 2007
I couldn't have said it better myself!!!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Smelling the Roses and Loving It!
I took a moment to enjoy the cool pace I was keeping and thinking life is good.
Today was a typical day. I got up and got my kids fed (Cream of Wheat – one their favorites) and delivered to school by 8:00 am. When I got to the school I put on my Parents Association hat and helped decorate one of the bulletin boards. I was back in my home office by 9:00 am where I read emails, made calls to connect with prospects and client’s, ate breakfast and got caught up on the news. I also ordered new business cards because I was completely out and heading to a networking meeting. At 11:20 I was off to my weekly networking meeting where I enjoyed a nice lunch and great entrepreneurial fellowship. After the meeting I decided to stop at the supermarket to get my food shopping done. I was done by 2:00 pm, just in time for my 2:00 phone meeting with a potential business associate. While I drove we discussed the possibilities. I finished my call just as I arrived at the school to pick up my boys and catch up with the moms in the parking lot. Then it was off to home for homework, snacks, dinner preparation and dinner. As you can see no moss grows under my feet.
The cool thing about the above is that I really enjoy these days. It is always different and always rewarding. Yes, sometimes it is challenging, but I am never bored. I cannot imagine sitting at a desk day after day for 8 hours and waiting for the day to end. I cannot imagine only getting a 2 hour window to hang with my boys. I get to enjoy the afternoon with them as well as the evening. And on their days off, I take those days off.
It just doesn’t get any better.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
What's wrong with this picture?
Well, first I am home alone because I sprained my ankle yesterday. I am home with my leg up. I had to come home early from Bike Night because with each step I took the pain grew worse. I could not go out with my boys today to the concert and mud bog. I really was looking forward to the mud bog. I had never seen one before. The worse part is that I have lots of energy and a house that I want to clean, and I cannot do it.
I am realizing how hard it is for me to just sit and be still. I really want to dig in and get it done. I guess this is a good lesson to learn. The good news is the swelling is going down. I am just so bored and there's only so much TV I can watch. So I guess I will surf with my leg up on my desk.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Ode to a Snuggle
We set up the TV with a cool DVD. We got a blanket, pillow and a bottle of ice cold water. We then settled in for a good long snuggle. Now keep in mind that David is a squirmy boy, so snuggling is not sedentary. He's more like a puppy that keeps spinning around till he finds the right spot. I found myself thinking about the emails I should check and the dishes that needed to be done. And then I said to myself, "Lia, you won't have these moments for long. He won't be snugly for ever. Enjoy tonight, the dishes and the emails will wait." And I did.
He was satiated with snuggling and went off to bed with complete compliance. I still had plenty of time to check emails and even blog a bit. The dishes will wait. I love taking time to snuggle. I recommend it highly.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
I'v Joined
Monday, September 24, 2007
I think I Can, I think I Can, I think I Can . . .
On a brighter note, I am convinced this will be all a faded memory and it is part of a character building program. I also know that my boys are bright and energetic and once they get it, they get it. So I just need to be patient along the way. (She says to herself as she remembers her deep breathing exercises.)
Friday, September 21, 2007
Farming = Parenthood
We all know that we :"As ye sow, so shall ye reap!" (Galatians) A big ouch there. How many times have I heard my guys yell at each other and realized they learned that from me. For me my biggest challenge as a parent is to stay present in all our interactions so I can make good choices in how I handle them. Then as I read on in my material I realized that my little guys are clearly my little "seedlings." I need to nurture them and offer them opportunities to grow. I need to give them light and nourishment. I also have to allow them to spread their little pedals to be the best they can be. I also have to help remove weeds, when necessary.
So now as I continue to grow my business, I plan on growing my little guys, using some of the same focus. I am looking forward to a great harvest and enjoying the sowing at the same time. Growing a business and children is a deliberate choice, not something that just happens.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Victory + Homework = Happy Family
First, I put out the world and my God that homework is easy and we enjoy our homework time together. Then I asked some other parents how they handled homework and got some great advice. So I shared the advice with my son. I positioned it as advice from a parent of a fellow classmate and asked if we should try it. He said sure.
We got home and got right to it. Can you believe Tom got his homework done in record time and no drama. It was great.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Homework, Argh!!!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Collective Sigh
- My boys learned to swim and become passionate about it.
- We took a week in Florida with stops in North Carolina and many stops along the East Coast.
- We went to New York for a week and had a great time there.
- We went camping and fell in love with our tent and the great outdoors.
- We read lots of books.
- David learned to ride on two wheels (bike).
- Tom learned to ride a skate board and roller blades.
And as the days drew closer to the first day of school, the excitement built. Even though I hadn't used an alarm clock all summer, it did not disturb me as it went off. The kids were up, bright and early and raring to go. There were no meltdowns and bed time was a breeze for the boys were wiped out. I was able to quickly fill my calendar with client appointment and take a few minutes to drink a cup of coffee while it is still warm.
As we usher in fall and say goodbye to our summer, I enjoy the memories and look forward to a great year.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Growing Up is Hard to Do

In the last month, I have had to face some difficult challenges and basically grow up. It has required that I step out of my comfort zone and face some fears which I had allowed to grow monumental in size. The first week or two of this journey, I will admit was extremely painful. I will also admit, I did not handle it gracefully. However, as the weeks have gone on, and I have stayed the course, it is amazing the feeling of freedom I am feeling. Did I mention that I don't do anger well?
So I sit here at 10:34 pm on my computer, still in the mire of this mess. Clearly not out of the woods, yet I have a sense of peace and hope. What have I gotten out of all of this? My mind reels at all the blessings that have come out of this self induced trauma.
- My husband and I are much closer,
- I have learned we can fight and still love each other,
- I am facing a fear and living to write about it,
- Our family became a more solid unit,
- We got back to basics which included Church,
- I found out God is patient and always waiting for us to surrender,
- I also found out that I don't have to handle everything, (unfortunately I learned that before and forgot it somewhere along the way) and
- Mostly I learned to be gentle with myself, ask for what I need and accept my limitations.
I just love it when a plan comes together.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
God of Second Chances

Thank you God!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Hanging on by a Thread

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Dream a big Dream . . .
Friday, June 15, 2007
A new day is coming!
Summer time is particularly hard to get enough of the me time I require. So I have to rethink my summer and come up with a plan. I know I will find a way. Next week we start camp and that will help a lot. The boys will burn off some needed energy and I will have some time. I have hope in my moments of darkness. I realize this is just a brief blip on the screen and time moves oh so quickly.
As I sit here and write, I enjoy the quiet of the night. The sound of peace and comfort in knowing my boys are enjoying a good nights sleep and dreaming of chasing fire flies at night. Life is good and lessons are hard. Now it's off to bed, a great book and my own slumber.
Siblings -- Argh!!!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
When is school starting?
Camp starts on Monday, I know I will feel much better then. So will they. They need more activities and structure and lots of play. Until then, it's going to take a lot of patience, some deep breaths and a visit to Borders to unwind.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Save Sameh

Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Have you ever felt completely helpless!!!
Monday, May 21, 2007
It's the simple things

Friday, May 18, 2007
What's a girl to do?

The part that is so frustrating is that when people get in this place, they become paralyzed by the enormity of the situation and their own feelings of powerlessness. So they end up walking in circles, talking to themselves, picking things up and putting them down, moving from one room and forgetting why they went their in the first place and not sleeping, just to name a few. I want to use my magic wand to fix it and then I realize that is only on TV. I don't have a magic wand so all I can do is listen and be supportive, perhaps every now and then offer a voice of reason. It's not easy.
There is one thing I can do, and I do that every night, pray.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Ah . . . This is living!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Is it that time again?
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Snuggle Time is Special Time
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Was that me who said yes?
Thursday, May 03, 2007
When the kitchen gets too hot, put out the fire!
What does that mean? Let me put it this way, I woke up one day and found out that life was getting a little bit crazy, and I was no longer in control. Maybe I have never been in control. So once I realized that my business was taking over my life and my kids were getting left behind, I took a moment to regroup. Today, two weeks away from Mother's Day, I can safely say that I think it's all coming together.
- I had a meeting with my biggest client and gracefully explained that I was not ready to take on so many hours, and I would be happy to help them find a replacement for me,
- I started an new profit center in my business that will allow me to take care of my business and my family - check it out: www.businessmarketinggym.com,
- I started carving out time for myself, yes me.
It is like a fog has lifted and a my burden is lightened. I am sleeping better. My kids are happier. My house is cleaner. And I am happier. What a great feeling. I am glad I listened to myself and my kids and reexamined my priorities. There will be lots of time to make money, but, I only have today to give to my boys.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Romantic Valentines?

Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Change Your Thoughts to Change Your Life
Thursday, January 04, 2007
What happened to the Time?
Well, I'm back. The holidays got the best of me and something had to give. I was able to manage my business which was pretty hectic, make cookies, get ready for the holidays, help at the school and survive the winter break in one piece. So now it is time to get serious. I am here to say 2007 is going to be the year of action. Last year, 2006 was my year of rebirth and integrity. This year it is all about action! Stay tuned.