I know this is probably contrary to what people say, but I find it works for me. I realize the clutter is a sign of the clutter in yourself. But sometimes you have to start on the outside to be able to face the inside. So my mission has been to de-clutter and purge so that I can free up some space to work and transform my personal space into a place where I can be creative. So far I have 7 bags (big bags) of stuff and lots of other stuff (mostly baby things). Yes my boys are not longer babies so it is time to let go. I am not having more and those things are not my boys they are things. I have pictures for the memories. (I am talking to myself.)
In order to facilitate a smooth transition in this endeavor I have enlisted the help of a trusted advisor, my professional organizer.
Tammy Burke with
Organize It All has been instrumental in helping me break down these overwhelming tasks into small tasks that are manageable. I will be meeting her next week and I will have a van full of stuff that she will itemize. She will give the items back to me to give to the organization of my choice and also provide me with a spread sheet that I can utilize with my taxes. Yippee, I will have a well needed tax write off and it will save the time of haggling at a yard sale of the precious things my boys owned. I will also have the pleasure of knowing someone who needs these things will get them. It is win-win-win.
That is Streetsmart at its best.