Yesterday I had to have a little surgery. It required general anesthia and a bit of rest. So I was concerned how the day would go. As always, my family rose to the occasion. As it turned out, I was able to be home by 11:00. I slept till 12:30 and decided to make my way downstairs to rest on couch. My husband brought me lunch and had already handled getting the boys picked up from camp. The boys were brought home and Jim kept them busy all afternoon while I rested. To my delight we ordered in Chinese food for dinner - yummy. Then Jim got the boys ready for bed including baths.
Imagine my biggest surprise when I woke to find their lunches packed and their clothes picked out. He loaded the van with everything they needed for camp. All I had to do is feed them breakfast and we were off. All in all it has been a pretty good day. The hardest part was letting my family take care of me, but once I allowed that to happen, they were thrilled to do it.