This is a typical day for me and my family.
I woke up at 5:30 to make arepas (special bread from Colombia) for a presentation at my son's school. Then I went to his school and did a presentation on bread making because they are studying bread. Next it was off to my home office to make phone calls and customer research. After which I headed to a lunch appointment with a friend/business associate to discuss a new product line and catch up on life. Then we headed to her office to see the developments on her new office location. Along the way I picked up David and brought him home for his afternoon nap (while he still takes them) and then I made calls, handled emails and other business. Once David woke up it was off to get Tom. We came home and had a quick snack, got a bath and made dinner so Tom could head off to Karate with his Dad. Then it was David and Mommy time. Last but not least it is bed time for David and I am off to my evening routine of preparing for the next day.
Is anyone tired reading this, I am just writing it. That is a typical day for me. The truth is that I love it! Even though I tend to be exhausted when my head hits the pillow, I know I have had a great, rewarding and full day filled with love, family and work. I realized that I am living what I have always wanted and didn't even know it.