Maybe the moon is full or there is a convergence of PMS, but I have spoken to several moms who are in desperate need of a vacation. Not a vacation, like Disney World, but a vacation from their families. Yes, we love our families. Yet, from what I am hearing, it has become apparent to me that in the midst of taking care of the world, we have forgotten to take care of our selves.
I believe this is more common than not. I have yet to figure out how to create a schedule that has "mommy preservation" time built in. For me what happens is that one day I wake up and find that I am feeling crazy. Then my husband or someone will pitch in so I can take a break. Why don't I make that part of my regular plan instead of an emergency option? Good question. I don't know but I will work on that.
For now I am focused on a warm and memorable summer. How do I do that? How do I not allow the world to take me over? How do I maintain some sanity? I am joining a pool/health club. Yes, we will lounge and play and I will work out. I cannot wait. I forget how much I need it. My husband will get what he needs also, a wife who is happy and hopefully more toned. The kids will get a happy mommy that is not so grumpy. All in all it sounds like a great plan. I will keep you posted.
In the meantime, keep the air mask scenario in mind. If you don't take care of yourself, how can you take care of anyone else.