Monday, December 03, 2007

I figured it out -- I need a wife

I know that sounds strange, but after the last few weeks I realized was just what I needed. We just got through the our Christmas play at Church. The kids were amazing and were filled with the meaning of Christmas. We have been rehearsing since August, and I have to admit there have been times when I wanted to quit. It took a lot of prayer and determination to help the boys stick with it (and there were times they did not want to.) It also meant giving up every Sunday afternoon for play practice. That is a big thing for me. My Sundays are precious. I tend to unwind and get ready for my week. It meant hustling to coordinate work, home and kids. The last week was the worst. We had the play practice practically every night and the nights I did not have play practice, I had meetings. Needless to say the house was a bit of a wreck and our schedules were shot. Now add to that the Grandparents where coming in from out of town to see their darling in their first play. Did I mention the house was wreck? That is when it came to me, I needed a wife.

Even after all three performances, one Saturday and two Sunday, I found myself wishing I had a wife planning dinner or at least making lunch for the boys and I. Oh well, I will just have to clone myself.