I guess you can tell I am tired. I had a busy day yesterday. I had my usually sales training, then I made some sales calls. I picked up David and brought him home for his well needed nap. After getting my son down for a nap, I left him in the capable hands of my sister-in-law and headed off to two more meetings. Then it was time for picking up number two and home to make dinner. I was running a little late so I didn't have time to eat because I head to my Toastmaster's meeting. It was a great meeting. I won two ribbons (best Table Topics and best Evaluator) and I was elected President of the club.
The part that was exhausting wasn't all of that, I was actually energized by that. What exhausted me was the fact that my husband did not come home till 2:30 in the morning from a meeting. I am normally not a worrier, but last night as the clock ticked away and I still did not hear him come in, I found myself concerned. I felt relief when he walked in the door (I heard his car before he walked in). He was really excited about his meeting so I did not have the heart to be angry with him. But this morning I am feeling a little miffed. I know he's tired and driving and I know I am exhausted.
So what's the point of all of this, really none. But I will work on not worrying so much and maybe come up with a plan in the future that Jim will leave his cell phone on when he is going to be out late so I can reach him. For me the lesson learned is that a little planning and communication in advance will go a long way to a good nights sleep.