Friday, May 20, 2005

It's a New Day Today

Today was much better than yesterday. My babysitter came through today. I had two great meetings and got to spend some quality time with my family. All in all a good day.

So what have I learned this week. You know I need to gain my lessons, if I am going to suffer growing pains.

  • Have a Plan B before I need it. In fact today I was prepared to implement Plan B and was pleased to see that was not necessary.
  • Realize that I am a Mom with a Business not a Business Owner with children. Big difference.
  • I need to set realistic expectations of myself and then communicate those to the people that need to know.
  • That it is okay to share how you feel about something and then release it's energy. I was able to send a email to my sitter about the situation and we were able to work things out. Both of us, I believe, got our needs met and maintained a crucial relationship.
It's hard sometimes being a Streetsmart Mom, but it's worth it.