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Wednesday, October 31, 2007
To Trick or To Treat or To Not . . .
We chose not. We happen to be in the minority of those families that chose not to honor this day. So instead of being out trick or treating we took the boys out to dinner. It has been a nice family tradition. It is a bit hard for the boys but they understand and have grown to appreciate it. What is nice is that all the restaurants are slow this night. We tend to eat at restaurants we would not normally eat at because of long waits. They are quiet, and we have a great family night out. I have to say, I like creating our own family traditions. What are yours?
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
If it's to be, It's up to You!

This was my prayer tonight.
There are days when I just want to hit the button on my recorder to play the words I say over and over again to my boys. I have read lots of books on parenting, even Bring Up Boys, by James Dobson. They all say this is normal. They did not say it would be easy.
There are days when I just want to hit the button on my recorder to play the words I say over and over again to my boys. I have read lots of books on parenting, even Bring Up Boys, by James Dobson. They all say this is normal. They did not say it would be easy.
Oh, for the Grace to stay calm and the ability to show Mercy. There are days when I just want to give myself a time out. Thank you Lord for these quite moments of reflection.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Why can't they just get along??????
Argh!! I love my boys with all my heart and soul. Yet, there are moments when I feel frustrated. Yes, even angry. Now it is not all the time, but there are times when it seems their whole purpose in life is just to annoy each other. I have seen glimpses of hope where they almost act like friends. But I have to say those are more rare.
I guess it is back to the books. I must be doing something wrong. This sibling thing is a bit of quandary to me. Being the way I am, I know there has to be an answer out there and I am determined to find it. If someone out there has already conquered this one, please let me know. And if by some off chance I figure it out, I will pass on the information.
I guess it is back to the books. I must be doing something wrong. This sibling thing is a bit of quandary to me. Being the way I am, I know there has to be an answer out there and I am determined to find it. If someone out there has already conquered this one, please let me know. And if by some off chance I figure it out, I will pass on the information.
Whew, it was a great day!!
As you know, I was a bit concerned about Parent Teacher Conferences. As always any fears and concern where unfounded. Both my boys are doing great. They are having mostly good days. A few issues, but all are manageable and expected for boys their age. One thing I learned is what a difference it makes when your kids go to a great school with great teachers. Both teachers see my boys for the whole person. They do not focus on the negative. They work on channeling energy to help them be the most they can be. I truly feel blessed to be a parent of great boys going to a great school.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Wish me luck!!!
Tomorrow are the Parent Teacher Conferences. Now I am not saying I am dreading them, because I know my boys are great. However, I will admit I have some trepidation. After all, they are not perfect. It is hard to stay objective when you hearing about those areas where they can improve. All in all, it has been a banner year. My biggest concern so far has not materialized. So I think we are going to have a good year. I will let you know tomorrow.
Remember when you go to these lovely events make sure you are prepared as well. Ask questions, make observations and be proactive. Find out what you can do to help at home to work with the teacher as a team. So far that has been working for us.
Remember when you go to these lovely events make sure you are prepared as well. Ask questions, make observations and be proactive. Find out what you can do to help at home to work with the teacher as a team. So far that has been working for us.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
It started out as a great day. I had a great client appointment. I was able to make a great connection at a networking meeting. I even had time to work in my home office before I picked up my boys. It was while I was on my way to pick up my boys from school that I things seemed to take a dramatic turn. It happened in seconds. One minute I was on course to the school. The car knew where to go, it travels that road four times a day. The next minute I was pulled over to the side of the road. It all happened so quickly. I am still not sure how or why the red Caravan that was in the lane to my left decided to turn right. After all I was there. Didn't he see me? Apparently not. As the accident was happening I remember thinking "Oh my, is he doing what I think he's doing?" And sure enough he was.
The dilemma, my boys! I am going to be late. Argh! So I called the school and asked for them to be taken over to the after school program. The awesome receptionist assured me my boys would be well taken care of and she would not let them know what happened. After all the paperwork was exchanged, the nice police officer informed the young man that he unfortunately would be found at fault for the accident. It was clear this was not good news for my new friend. It was good news for my insurance agent. It really was just an accident. One of the crazy moments you wish you could do over, but just differently.
I guess what really struck me out of this whole event was the reaction of my sister. She is so great. She was immediately concerned, just like a good sister. After I told her she called back a bit later and said, "Do you want me to take a bus to you so I can help with the boys?" I assured her I would be fine. A bit sore, but still functional. It was in that moment that I realized that this accident might have had a stronger impact on her. I tend to bounce back quickly. On the other hand, my sister has trouble bouncing back. Just an interesting observation.
So what I am learning is I am stronger than I thought. I have roles and responsibilities and not a lot of time to stay down. I get up, dust myself off and get on with it. I like that.
The dilemma, my boys! I am going to be late. Argh! So I called the school and asked for them to be taken over to the after school program. The awesome receptionist assured me my boys would be well taken care of and she would not let them know what happened. After all the paperwork was exchanged, the nice police officer informed the young man that he unfortunately would be found at fault for the accident. It was clear this was not good news for my new friend. It was good news for my insurance agent. It really was just an accident. One of the crazy moments you wish you could do over, but just differently.
I guess what really struck me out of this whole event was the reaction of my sister. She is so great. She was immediately concerned, just like a good sister. After I told her she called back a bit later and said, "Do you want me to take a bus to you so I can help with the boys?" I assured her I would be fine. A bit sore, but still functional. It was in that moment that I realized that this accident might have had a stronger impact on her. I tend to bounce back quickly. On the other hand, my sister has trouble bouncing back. Just an interesting observation.
So what I am learning is I am stronger than I thought. I have roles and responsibilities and not a lot of time to stay down. I get up, dust myself off and get on with it. I like that.
Friday, October 05, 2007
Out of the mouth of Babes

I just had to share a cute story. I had picked up my boys from school and we were meeting a school mate for a play date at a local park. There was lots of traffic, and we found ourselves sitting through a lot of lights, which rarely happens where we live. So David, my 5 year old said: "Why are there so many cars?" To which my son Thomas (8 years old) replied: "It's rush hour." So David in his most serious voice said, "If it's rush hour, why isn't anyone rushing." I couldn't have said it better my self.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
I couldn't have said it better myself!!!
Check out this Mom/Comedian who sang a song that speaks to the hearts of all mothers who ever raised a child and lived to talk about. Enjoy.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Smelling the Roses and Loving It!
A day in the life of an Entrepreneurial Mom
I took a moment to enjoy the cool pace I was keeping and thinking life is good.
Today was a typical day. I got up and got my kids fed (Cream of Wheat – one their favorites) and delivered to school by 8:00 am. When I got to the school I put on my Parents Association hat and helped decorate one of the bulletin boards. I was back in my home office by 9:00 am where I read emails, made calls to connect with prospects and client’s, ate breakfast and got caught up on the news. I also ordered new business cards because I was completely out and heading to a networking meeting. At 11:20 I was off to my weekly networking meeting where I enjoyed a nice lunch and great entrepreneurial fellowship. After the meeting I decided to stop at the supermarket to get my food shopping done. I was done by 2:00 pm, just in time for my 2:00 phone meeting with a potential business associate. While I drove we discussed the possibilities. I finished my call just as I arrived at the school to pick up my boys and catch up with the moms in the parking lot. Then it was off to home for homework, snacks, dinner preparation and dinner. As you can see no moss grows under my feet.
The cool thing about the above is that I really enjoy these days. It is always different and always rewarding. Yes, sometimes it is challenging, but I am never bored. I cannot imagine sitting at a desk day after day for 8 hours and waiting for the day to end. I cannot imagine only getting a 2 hour window to hang with my boys. I get to enjoy the afternoon with them as well as the evening. And on their days off, I take those days off.
It just doesn’t get any better.
I took a moment to enjoy the cool pace I was keeping and thinking life is good.
Today was a typical day. I got up and got my kids fed (Cream of Wheat – one their favorites) and delivered to school by 8:00 am. When I got to the school I put on my Parents Association hat and helped decorate one of the bulletin boards. I was back in my home office by 9:00 am where I read emails, made calls to connect with prospects and client’s, ate breakfast and got caught up on the news. I also ordered new business cards because I was completely out and heading to a networking meeting. At 11:20 I was off to my weekly networking meeting where I enjoyed a nice lunch and great entrepreneurial fellowship. After the meeting I decided to stop at the supermarket to get my food shopping done. I was done by 2:00 pm, just in time for my 2:00 phone meeting with a potential business associate. While I drove we discussed the possibilities. I finished my call just as I arrived at the school to pick up my boys and catch up with the moms in the parking lot. Then it was off to home for homework, snacks, dinner preparation and dinner. As you can see no moss grows under my feet.
The cool thing about the above is that I really enjoy these days. It is always different and always rewarding. Yes, sometimes it is challenging, but I am never bored. I cannot imagine sitting at a desk day after day for 8 hours and waiting for the day to end. I cannot imagine only getting a 2 hour window to hang with my boys. I get to enjoy the afternoon with them as well as the evening. And on their days off, I take those days off.
It just doesn’t get any better.
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