Well I have left two messages on two different days and still no call back from the corporate owner of the now defunct Tumble Town. Interesting. Well I am going to wait one more day and then it is on to Plan B. Oh I mean BBB.
In the meantime, I have had a great day with David, planned my week for work and started planning next week. All in all, life is good. The best part of this all is that a parent emailed me to say it was a great party and thanked me for staying so calm under such a stressful situation.
It pays to be streetsmart and have lots of great friends and family.
1 comment:
Flashback...It's interesting to watch how you were so excited about the party, and even linked to their web site LOL!
And they went and closed the business - YUCK! Left a bad taste in my mouth, because I take my kids to tumble town all the time.
I loved the party, though, Lia...and we had Chucky! Something that Tumble Town couldn't provide no matter what.
Yes, you remained incredibly calm, I'd be flipping out, and would probably make up a sign - "Tumble Town Sucks!"
Anyway, I know David won't remember anything wrong with it, and will only have a good 3-yeard old birthday memory (if any memory at all! :-)
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