Friday, August 31, 2007

Collective Sigh

Can you hear it? It's a collective sigh of relief. Don't get me wrong, I love my boys, and we had a great summer. Many awesome things happened including:
  • My boys learned to swim and become passionate about it.
  • We took a week in Florida with stops in North Carolina and many stops along the East Coast.
  • We went to New York for a week and had a great time there.
  • We went camping and fell in love with our tent and the great outdoors.
  • We read lots of books.
  • David learned to ride on two wheels (bike).
  • Tom learned to ride a skate board and roller blades.
All in all it was a great summer. There were a few days when I asked "Is it September yet?" And of course I had to adjust my life. For me it was not business as usual, in fact it was not business at all. That was okay with me, that is why I am an entrepreneur. I need the flexibility to be home with the boys.

And as the days drew closer to the first day of school, the excitement built. Even though I hadn't used an alarm clock all summer, it did not disturb me as it went off. The kids were up, bright and early and raring to go. There were no meltdowns and bed time was a breeze for the boys were wiped out. I was able to quickly fill my calendar with client appointment and take a few minutes to drink a cup of coffee while it is still warm.

As we usher in fall and say goodbye to our summer, I enjoy the memories and look forward to a great year.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Growing Up is Hard to Do

I cannot get this song out of my head. All I keep singing in my head "Growing Up is Hard to Do" to the tune of "Breaking Up is Hard to Do." I have a warped way of looking at things at times.

In the last month, I have had to face some difficult challenges and basically grow up. It has required that I step out of my comfort zone and face some fears which I had allowed to grow monumental in size. The first week or two of this journey, I will admit was extremely painful. I will also admit, I did not handle it gracefully. However, as the weeks have gone on, and I have stayed the course, it is amazing the feeling of freedom I am feeling. Did I mention that I don't do anger well?

So I sit here at 10:34 pm on my computer, still in the mire of this mess. Clearly not out of the woods, yet I have a sense of peace and hope. What have I gotten out of all of this? My mind reels at all the blessings that have come out of this self induced trauma.

  • My husband and I are much closer,

  • I have learned we can fight and still love each other,

  • I am facing a fear and living to write about it,

  • Our family became a more solid unit,

  • We got back to basics which included Church,

  • I found out God is patient and always waiting for us to surrender,

  • I also found out that I don't have to handle everything, (unfortunately I learned that before and forgot it somewhere along the way) and

  • Mostly I learned to be gentle with myself, ask for what I need and accept my limitations.

I just love it when a plan comes together.